
Rink - Ingenieurbüro für Baustatik

Structural engineering

Static calculations
Solid, timber and steel construction

Building physics

Verifications required by building authorities

Construction supervision

Ensuring the quality of execution

Consulting engineer

At the client's side - independent of supply and service interests.
Development of structural concepts right from the initial planning phases.
Consideration of economic efficiency without losing sight of the architectural requirements.
Günther Rink - Ingenieurbüro für Baustatik
Günther Rink | Executive Director

With a broad spectrum of engineering services and over 30 years of experience we stand for professional diligence and pleasant, reliable cooperation.
We look forward to a personal meeting.

Rink Baustatik Günther Rink
Dipl. Ing. Günther Rink

Rink Baustatik Fabio Hrachovec
Fabio Hrachovec, M.Eng.

Rink Baustatik Vanessa Röhrig
Vanessa Röhrig, Working Student

Rink Baustatik Katharina Quapil
Katharina Quapil, Working Student

In addition, we are supported by students studying civil engineering at Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen (Technical University of Central Hesse) and freelance structural engineers and draughtsmen.

Consulting Engineer of
Ingenieurkammer Hessen
Nr. B11089

Authorized inspector for structural safety

(according to NBVO, number St-125A-IngKH)

Authorized inspector for thermal insulation

(according to NBVO, number W-260A-IngKH)

Authorized inspector for sound insulation

(according to NBVO, number Sc-231A-IngKH)

Beratender Ingenieur der Ingenieurkammer Hessen


Ingenieurbüro Rink
An der Automeile 18
35394 Gießen

Phone: 0641 / 330 55 95 - 0
Web: www.rink-baustatik.de

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Thank you for trusting us for over three decades!

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